Episode 03: Pretty Paint & Prepping Plywood


This week on KIKAPU, I’m taking on projects full force. In order to make her look a bit less junky, I prioritized fixing up the mast boxes. While it’s just a temporary fix and I know that I’ll need to tend to it again later, it has been a massive visual improvement to the boat and has gained her a bit more respect in the marina compared to the rotting, peeling, pigeon sanctuary she was before.

In more important structural business, I have been working on cutting all of the braces for the deck-to-gunnel supports. This is a major project and incredibly important to the structural integrity of the vessel. This also leads into another large project as the floating planked decks are resting on some of these structural braces.

Boat life isn’t all fun though. An overwhelm of opinions is incredibly frustrating and makes getting jobs done more slow and frustrating


Episode 04: Girls Guide to Fiberglassing


Episode 02: Restoring a Wharram Catamaran